Kum, herzlich willkommen...


Stammtische: KawasakiS NRW 12.10. LÜNEN

  • Hallo Kum,

    Wir wünschen Dir hier einen angenehmen Aufenthalt und hoffen, dass hier immer alle Deine Fragen beantwortet werden. In diesem Thread hast Du die Möglichkeit Dich uns ein wenig vorzustellen. Erzähle uns etwas über Dich, Deine Hobby´s und Deinen Beruf.

    Doch nun viel Spaß im Twin500 - Forum...

  • :beer: Many greetings to all of you Which I already met and all others Which I did not meet, yet.
    I am very glad I registered on your forum.
    My name is Dubravko, (Shortly - Dudo), also known as Kum on croatian KLE-croatia.com forum.
    I 'm living in Zagreb and I have Kawasakli KLE 500 Bj.1991.
    I hope You are all, very well and I'm looking forward to meet You again, this year, in Toscana :l_moto_1:
    Greetings from me, Duda and from all Croatian friends.


    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von Kum (9. März 2014 um 09:28)

  • Hello Dudo,
    nice to see you here in our Forum :MG_124:

    You have a KLE550 :confused: , tell me more about this KLE ;)

    Greeting to Duda and all the other croatian friends :drinks::friends:

    lg Frank

    :D KLE500 - für alle, die gerne im Dreck spielen, aber für Trial zu ungeschickt und für Motocross zu feige sind :D
    TWIN500 Stützpunkt

  • Hmm 550, it was a typo mistake, but we can say the KLE 500 +
    Why 500+? Because, with all KLE 500, you also get extra pleasure. :thumbup:
    That's why we can say "Kawasaki KLE 500+ "

    This is my :)

  • Greetings from Germany and :MG_124: to twin 500.net
    You got a nice "Black Pearl" and i like the Seat.
    I have to try my Butt Fitting in that Seat when we meet in Italia.



    Wenn man keine Ahnung hat... einfach mal die Fresse halten.

  • Hi Dudo, nice to hear from you.

    So you are still riding the KLE-Spirit!
    I remember that you were thinking about changing to something stronger.

    i am looking forward to meet you in Italy


    8) Gruß vom Alpenrand 8)

  • Dudo, my friend !

    it is so nice to meet you here !

    Hope you and your sweetheart are fine and you´ve got a pretty good start into the KLE-year 2014.
    oh yes, we also looking very forward to the 4. meeting in Tuscany. To have a lot of fun with you and all the others.
    I hope it works, because of a new job,..it´s not sure, that there will be the possibility to spend some day with you,...but I´ll try to manage it.

    very kindly greetings, also from Birgit.
    take Duda in your arms and hold her tied

    Hope to see you soon.

    ...winselt nicht,...kämpft ! :hb:

  • Dudo, my friend !

    it is so nice to meet you here !

    Hope you and your sweetheart are fine and you´ve got a pretty good start into the KLE-year 2014.
    oh yes, we also looking very forward to the 4. meeting in Tuscany. To have a lot of fun with you and all the others.
    I hope it works, because of a new job,..it´s not sure, that there will be the possibility to spend some day with you,...but I´ll try to manage it.

    very kindly greetings, also from Birgit.
    take Duda in your arms and hold her tied

    Hope to see you soon.

    This sounds very nice!
    We just met each other at the Thuringian Forest.
    I hope you have seen the Video on Youtube.
    Thuringia KLE ride
    This was a funny Weekend and you and your friends made this trip, with lot of nice pictures on your way to our meeting.
    Take care... you and your KAWASAKI KLE Gang :D
    Have a nice time and a good ride to Toscana.
    I`m sorry that i can not be there this year. :miffy_1:

    Greetings from sehn.de MAGO :thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:

    um die 50, verrückt wie 30, KLE 650A von 2008

  • Pozdrav i dobrodošli. Pozdrav Mike

    TWIN500 Stützpunkt  Werkstatt Unterstellmöglichkeit Motorradtransport Ersatzteile Übernachtungsmöglichkeit Tel.Nr. auf Anfrage per PN

  • Thank you all for warm welcome.

    Although we stepped in April, I didn't made even a kilometer with my KLE, but I'll be ready for Tuscany   :thumbup:
    Duda and me, we are also very looking forward to see you again. :D

    I hope it works, because of a new job,..it´s not sure, that there will be the possibility to spend some day with you,...but I´ll try to manage it.

    I'm sure you will manage. ;streicheln;

    So you are still riding the KLE-Spirit!
    I remember that you were thinking about changing to something stronger.

    What is the stronger then Kawasaki KLE, with so many friends (as standard equipment)?

    Many greetings from Duda and all Croatian KLE members.

    Kawasaki KLE :nummer1_1:

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