Beiträge von Kum


Stammtische: KawasakiS NRW 08.02. KREFELD

Treffen: int. Jahrestreffen 2025 26. - 29.06. Int. KLE-Treffen 2025 i.V.

    Peter (Pepe), Helmut, and me, we are coming the way from Gerovo, which seems not to difficult to find ?
    Are there any signs? If not, I remember to turn left - left - right - right.

    just go from Gerovo, Crni lug, Lučice, then turn left to DC3 and go to Platak,
    302 Moved

    Follow main road from GErovao ti Crni lug, watch sign Delnice, When you come to main road DC3, turn right to Rijeka direction and just keep on main road. After Pass Gornje Jelenje, 3-5 km ther is a sign for Platak and turn right to uphill to Platak
    302 Moved


    From Gerovo to Lučice is perfect road, turn after turn :)
    See you

    Hello my friends,

    It's only a few days left to see you again. I'm so excited :hb:
    I'd like to share few infos and tips, before your trip.
    Most of us will arrive Thursday evening, so we expect you at the dinner.
    For those who will come after 22:00, the restaurant kitchen will be closed, but we will give all effort to provide a sandwiches or something similar...
    If you'll come during the night, we will leave telephone number at the door, so you can call to get your room key, or call me at +385 95 83 72 555
    So, don't be hurry, drive safely.

    Few word about payment. As I wrote, the accommodation, you'll pay in Kuna (Croatian currency) or by Debit card at the Reception, on departure,
    The price for half-board per person is 175 kuna (tax is included) which means 23.66€/person/day, but only for special Friday dinner we have additional charge 60kn (8.11€), which is 31.77€ , for Friday half-board.
    Bed & Breakfast is 125 kuna (tax included) which is 16.90€.

    All drinks should be paid at the bar, so now you can calculate how many euros you should exchange to Kuna 
    During our Friday ride, we will visit Robinson accommodation HRIB, where our host, Stipko, will prepare a lunch (goulash, which you didn't taste, yet). That will cost 6,5-7€ per person for unlimited food and drink. That can be paid in €.
    For t-shirts, you can pay to me on site, 50 kn per piece or 6.76€.

    Important !!!
    Fuel !
    Those who plan to go with off road tour, they have to come with full tank, because, no gas station for the next 150 km... talking for off road.
    So please take a note to fill up the tank before uphill, on Platak, or we will organize fuel station visit earlier in the morning, around 8:00 o'clock.
    You have a gas station INA Čavle on the way from Rijeka to Platak 31km:
    302 Moved
    ...or Petrol Delnice 30 km:
    302 Moved .

    Weather forecast is not favorable to us, but we all have a rain suits 

    Few words about the Friday routes.
    Both routes starts on Friday morning, at 9:00 from big parking area 200m from Veliki dom Platak.
    Asfalt route will go in Delnice direction to visit petrol station in Delnice (30km).
    From there we will ride over Gorski kotar and visit Zeleni vir Tourist association of the municipality of Skrad - Skrad | tourist association of the municipality of Skrad, where will stop for the drink and refresh. The later on, the route lids to Slovenija, and after 20 km, will pass a border again to Croatia, where we'll met off road group.
    All together, we are going to visit Robinson accommodation HRIB, for lunch. Who is Stipko and what is the Robinson accommodation HRIB!

    Off road's surprise!
    That's all I can remember now.

    I wish you all the good trip, ride safely.
    I can't tell you, how happy we are to meet you again.

    Let Kawasaki KLE spirit ride with you!

    P.s. please let someone translate to German language :thumbup:

    Hallo KLE freunde,

    Nach langer Pause ist es Zeit geworden neue Informationen zu geben, was das 7. internationale KLE treffen Kroatien angeht. (die Lage).

    Nur zu bestaetigung, das 7. internationale KLE treffen Kroatien, Platak spitze, ist am 30.06.- Freitag, wie schon abgeschprochen!

    Uebernachtung mit Fruehstueck 125,00kn (cca.16,75eur) - touristen taxe inkludiert, pro person/pro tag
    Halbpansion 175,00kn (cca.23,50eur) - touristen taxe inkludiert, pro person/pro tag

    Kinder bis 3 jahre im Zimmer mit den eltern – gratis
    Kinder von 3 bis 8 jahre im Zimmer mit den eltern - 50% Ermaessigung
    Kinder von 8 bis 14 jahre im zimmer mit den eltern - 20% Ermaessigung

    Uebernachtung mit Fruehstueck bezieht Uebernachtung und Fruehstuecks bueffe ein Halbpansion beyieht Abendessen, Uebernachtung und Fruehstuecks bueffe ein.

    ANMERKUNG, fuer all die, die eine weite anreise haben, und aus irgend einem grund bis donnerstag abend cca.22 uhr nicht ankommen koennen, werend des abend essens oder so lang der speise saal geoeffnet ist, werden wir fuer euch abendessen bestellen, zb. sandwich, schnityell, salat, und aehnliches (dinner packet), das auf euch an der rezeption, bis in die spaeten stunden warten wird.¸

    Check in - ab 15h bis 22h, am Donnerstag 29.06. ausnamsweise bis 02h und spaeter, was wir zuvor per handy abschprechen. Die meisten von euch reisen am Donnerstag an, also wird jemand dienstbereit sein bis ihr alle angekommen seid.
    Check out - den naechsten tag bis 10h.

    das wir gemeinsam haben werden, wird vor ort berechnet und bezahlt, den Preis wissen wir erst wenn wir die genaue Teilnaehmerzahl haben, und wir ausrechnen wie gross das ferkel oder lamm fuer uns alle seien muss. Es wird allerdings nicht mehr als 8,00eur bis 12eur sein.
    die genaue Info gebe ich euch einiege tage zuvor.

    erfolgt vor ort in Kuna - der kroatischen Waehrung, oder mit Kreditkarte, nicht in Euro!
    Bezahlen koennt ihr an der rezeption, bei ankunft oder abreise.
    Zusaetzliche bestellungen (getraenke und aehnliches) muessen gleich bezahlt werden.
    Wir bemuehen uns das es moeglich gemacht wird, das ihr anschreiben koennt, und die gesamte rechnung am abreise tag bezahlt, zum beispiel mit kreditkarte.

    Nach der diesjaehrigen renovierung, hat die Berghuette Grosser Platak 90 betten zu verfuehgung, aufgeteilt auf
    1 x 20+1 bettzimmer
    9 x 2 bettzimmer
    9 x 3 bettzimmer
    2 x 5 bettzimmer
    2 x 6 bettzimmer
    2 x 1 bettzimmer

    Da nur ihr die moeglichkeit hattet das zimmer auszusuchen, sind einige von denen schon reserviert. Wegen der anreise als paar oder familie, bitte ich euch noch ein mal die tabelle mit den Buchungen zu kontrolieren und in diese die genaue betten zahl im zimmer eingeben, bevor ich mit den restlichen buchungen weiter mache.

    Fuer die alleinreisenden, ich versuche euch zusammen in ein-zwei zimmer unter zu bringen. Bitte schaut euch noch mall die tabelle an!!!
    Book list/sheet
    So lange es noch freie betten gibt, solltet ihr in der Tabelle angeben was ihr buchen moechtet.

    Die Zimmer sind auf zwei Stockwaerke aufgeteilt mit den dazu gehoerigen Sanitaeranlagen. In jedem stock ist eine fuer maenner und eine fuer frauen, jeweils mit 3 waschbecken, 1 dusche und 2 wc. Damen haben vortritt!

    Die Buchung muss spaetesten bis zum 28.05.2017. bestaetigt werden! Weil die Zimmer auch bei buchbar sind, muss die endreservierung bis zu dem angegebenem tag, dem Grossen Platak geschickt werden.
    Ich glaube das dass ein bischen frueh ist, aber, wenn ihr euch zu 99% sicher seid das ihr zum treffen kommen werdet, gebt das auch in die Tabelle ein.
    Ich bitte euch auch, all die die noch unentschlossen sind, sie zum Buchen zu ueberzeugen. Absagen und stornieren kann man kostenfrei!

    The routes are not defined yet but due to a simpler organization, only two routes are planned:Asphalt with a little soft off and medium off.

    Wir organisieren auch 7. Promo T-Shirts. Internationales Treffen, und wir werden bald eine Vorbestellungsliste machen..
    Der Preis war bis zu 10 €. Mehr Infos ... später.

    Neue und alte Freunde, gutes Essen, trinken, Musik, Tanz, Spaß und Fahrt sind garantiert !!!
    :discussion::essen::beer::musik::dancer::hüpf: and :l_moto_1:

    Sehen Sie mehr auf Facebook:
    Facebook offizielle Seite:

    Zwei Einbettzimmer
    Elf Zweibettzimmer
    Zehn Dreibettzimmer
    Einem Gruppenraum mit 21 Betten (Bärenhöhle auf Kroatisch )
    (Dudo, this is 75 according to my calculation. Maybe ten People in tents for feeding the Bears ?. )

    Uhh, it's definitely typo mistake, but you give me to we will feed the bears :patsch:
    Correct capacity is:
    1 bed room – 2 rooms
    2 beds room – 11 rooms
    3 beds room – 7 rooms
    5 beds room - 3 rooms
    21 beds room – 1 room
    Which is 81 in total.
    Bathroom and toilet are common (like in Kloster - 2. KLE meeting)
    According to their office manager, total capacity should be 85, although on the web is written 83 beds, but they are in process of renovations, so that's why she told me the capacity is 85. I'll check again. :smackbottom:

    Hi Dudo,
    Great to hear from You
    We are already looking forward to the Meeting in Croatia.
    I added a Survey to your Post above.

    Kind regards from my hole Family
    Good to hear that... stays good, all of you :D

    HI friends,
    regarding our agreement from Italy, for the next 7th International KLE meeting in Croatia, I found a great place in one of most beautiful part of Croatia, Gorski kotar, precisely, Platak peak (302 Moved ), near to National park Risnjak (Nacionalni park Risnjak). :)

    There is a mountain house „Big Platak“ (on Croatian – „Veliki platak“ - (see more at Veliki planinarski dom Platak), which is perfect place with all needed logistics for our Meeting.

    This is not a camp, so unfortunately there is no possibility to put a tent or trailer ;sad;
    I hope that will not be a problem, but please let me know.

    The mountain house „Big Platak“ have 85 warm beds:
    1 bed room – 2 rooms
    2 beds room – 11 rooms
    3 beds room – 10 rooms
    21 beds room – 1 room
    The price per person/day is not defined yet, but half board pension shouldn't be more then €30, with hudge buffet breakfast and three course dinner :thumbup:

    I'm still in negotiations about price, depends of number of participiants and special dinner menu (pork or lamb on the spit) :essen:
    As well, it has been agreed that we have big space under terrace reserved only for us, with barbecue and drinks during all night
    :beer: :pepsi: :beer:

    The date. :unsure:
    I suggest that this meeting should be on Friday instead of Saturday, as we discuss in Italy, so then we can ride together and make a party at Friday evening and get freely Saturday and Sunday for back home, who want to go home :D
    In that matter, I'm suggest two dates, June 23th or 30th. I'd like to suggest the June 30th when we have more chances to catch good weather, but that decision I want let to you decide, my German friends.

    Please decide which date between these two, is more acceptable for you, according to your vacations and then let me know.
    See, if no camping possibility on site (except few exepctions) is it ok with you?
    For any additional informations, you can reach me on facebook or my e-mail

    I hope you'll like my choice for next KLE meeting and I'm looking forward to see you all :nummer1_1:

    Many, many greetings from Duda and me and lot of slobber from small David :D

    Thank you all for warm welcome.

    Although we stepped in April, I didn't made even a kilometer with my KLE, but I'll be ready for Tuscany   :thumbup:
    Duda and me, we are also very looking forward to see you again. :D

    I hope it works, because of a new job,´s not sure, that there will be the possibility to spend some day with you,...but I´ll try to manage it.

    I'm sure you will manage. ;streicheln;

    So you are still riding the KLE-Spirit!
    I remember that you were thinking about changing to something stronger.

    What is the stronger then Kawasaki KLE, with so many friends (as standard equipment)?

    Many greetings from Duda and all Croatian KLE members.

    Kawasaki KLE :nummer1_1:

    :beer: Many greetings to all of you Which I already met and all others Which I did not meet, yet.
    I am very glad I registered on your forum.
    My name is Dubravko, (Shortly - Dudo), also known as Kum on croatian forum.
    I 'm living in Zagreb and I have Kawasakli KLE 500 Bj.1991.
    I hope You are all, very well and I'm looking forward to meet You again, this year, in Toscana :l_moto_1:
    Greetings from me, Duda and from all Croatian friends.
