Registration Participants - 5. international KLE Meeting at Austria, June 19th-21st 2015


Stammtische: KawasakiS NRW 15.03. Niederheide

Treffen: int. Jahrestreffen 2025 26. - 29.06. Int. KLE-Treffen 2025 i.V.

  • Hi KLE Jockeys and guests,

    this thread has been set to give you the possibility to register at our 5th international meeting in Austria.
    Your post at this thread ist a registration and you are going to get a binding confirmation by one of our Mods.
    After confirmation, we will get in contact by your home forum or email to come to an agreement with money transfer.

    Nevertheless it is possible to get in contact with us at follows:
    - ->
    - and of course in this forum

    Please keep in mind that mobilhomes are rare, early booking is an advantage by avoiding disapointments!

    What we need to know:

    Country | URL forum | Nickname | Booking time from/to | number of persons | kind Accomodation | bedclothes if needed | number of dogs | number of breakfast | number and kind of dinners | BBQ yes/no


    :watoo: Das Außerordentliche geschieht nicht auf glattem, gewöhnlichem Wege. :watoo:
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

    TWIN Stützpunkt@51°35'N 13°15'E
    Limited Service available
    Phone on request via PN

    3 Mal editiert, zuletzt von IndiaRomeo (6. Januar 2015 um 22:57)

  • received booking requests sorted by country.
    Please check your details and let us know, if there are changes or mistakes.
    List will be updated if neccessary And in time.

    1# bistouri / 19.-21.06. / mobilehome / bedclothes / 2x breakfast / 1x diner ( spaghetti or lasagne or a la carte) / 1x BBQ
    2# oldtrailer / 19.-21.06. / mobilehome / bedclothes / 2x breakfast / 1x diner ( spaghetti or lasagne or a la carte) / 1x BBQ

    :watoo: Das Außerordentliche geschieht nicht auf glattem, gewöhnlichem Wege. :watoo:
    Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

    TWIN Stützpunkt@51°35'N 13°15'E
    Limited Service available
    Phone on request via PN

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